“Oh no, that just didn’t happen.” – unfortunate start for Alexander and Mie at European Championships Standard in Lithuania
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Alexander and Mie from Bendixen Dans faced an unexpected and heartbreaking challenge at this year’s European Championships in Standard in Lithuania. It was the first time the couple had to represent Denmark at an European Championship for adults, and it was therefore a championship they had looked forward to with great excitement. But what began as a promising contest took a dramatic turn when Alexander was injured during their quickstep in the first round.
An unexpected twist
The competition started like any other, with Alexander and Mie showing their well-known elegance and technical skills. But during the quickstep, a dance full of energy and fast movements, the unthinkable happened. Alexander was unfortunately injured, and it quickly became clear that they could not continue the competition.
A trip to the hospital
With great concern and urgency, Alexander was taken to the nearest hospital in Lithuania to have the extent of the damage assessed. After a thorough examination came the discouraging news: Alexander had broken his foot. Such an injury is not only physically painful, but also a great emotional burden for a couple who have put countless hours and hard work into their preparation for the European Championships.
Although this injury is a setback, Alexander and Mie are determined to come back stronger. Already the following week they were back in the training room, where Alexander had to “make do” with improving his technical knowledge sitting down. Their participation at the European Championships Standard in Lithuania came to an abrupt and unforeseen end, but this experience will undoubtedly strengthen their determination and dedication for a comeback to next year’s championships.
We wish Alexander a speedy recovery and hope to see them on the floor together before long.